Inspiring students, one robot at a time

Robot Builds

Robot Builds

Clawbot Build Instructions.png

VEX Robotics provide instructions for numerous robots that can be built from the 1st generation VEX IQ Super Kit or 2nd generation Education and Competition Kits. The respective IQ Clawbot is an excellent starting point for those that are new to VEX IQ. Not only will it help you to learn the basic building techniques, but also provides an excellent robot for learning the basics of coding with VEXcode IQ.


Each season, VEX Robotics release instructions for a HeroBot. These are introductory robots that are specifically designed to be able to perform one or more tasks in the current seasons VEX IQ Robotics Competition game. These robots are not designed to win World Championships, but do provide an excellent basis for new teams to start from and to improve upon across the season. This season’s HeroBot for the Rapid Relay game is called Swish and there are instructions for building with the 2nd generation IQ Competition Kit.


Build instructions for the VEX IQ Clawbot, Snapshot and other robots can be downloaded from the VEX Robotics website. If you are using a 1st Generation VEX IQ Kit then we recommend looking at some of the previous years HeroBot’s.